English translation for "再耕"
- backset
Related Translations:
耕心田: to cultivate the heart 初耕: breaking up of groundearly plowing 重耕: backsetsecond ploughtwifallow 夏耕: summer plowingtillage in summerxia geng
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Ah , these women and their fuss ! alpatitch muttered to himself as he drove off , looking about him at the fields . he saw rye turning yellow , thick oats still green , and here and there patches still black , where they were only just beginning the second ploughing 阿尔帕特奇自言自语说罢,上路后,他环顾着四周的田野,有的地方黑麦已经黄熟,有的地方是青枝绿叶茂密的燕麦,有的地方还是刚刚开始再耕的黑土。 |
- Similar Words:
- "再给我一些" English translation, "再给新士兵们演示一遍" English translation, "再根据全句意思" English translation, "再跟床上呆两天" English translation, "再跟踪" English translation, "再耕种" English translation, "再工程" English translation, "再供给" English translation, "再供粮食" English translation, "再沟通" English translation