English translation for "准投资者"
- prospective investor
Related Translations:
策略投资者: strategic investment strategic investorstrategic investor 独立投资者: individual-investor 保守投资者: co ervative investorconservative investor 投资者赔偿公司: investor compensation company
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The site should be able to increase our port s relative competitiveness and be attractive to potential investors ; and 选址应能促进本港港口的相对竞争力,并能吸引准投资者;及 | | 2. | To promote a better understanding of bond investment , we put on our web - site educational materials in the form of 金管局为了增进公众对债券投资的认识,特别在网站以常见问题的形式介绍有关债券投资的资料,希望各位准投资者可先行参看有关资料。 | | 3. | Its engagement is restricted to the referral of potential investors to a - london and it will not have any power or authority to transact on behalf of a - london 它的聘用协定只限于转介准投资者给a伦敦,而它亦没有任何权力或获授权代表a伦敦进行交易。 |
- Similar Words:
- "准同型相界" English translation, "准同形性" English translation, "准同义性" English translation, "准铜铀云母" English translation, "准投标者" English translation, "准头" English translation, "准头凿" English translation, "准突" English translation, "准推进系数" English translation, "准推理语言" English translation