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English translation for "切合时宜"

suitable to the occasion

Related Translations:
时宜:  what is appropriate to the occasion; what is proper at the time 短语和例子不合时宜 be not appropriate to the occasion; be inappropriate; be out of keeping with the times
适合时宜:  suited to the times
时宜销售的:  marketable
切合:  suit; fit in with; correspond with 短语和例子切合实际 suit the actual condition of; 切合实际的计划 a sensible plan; 切合时宜 timely; well timed; at the right time; 切合需要 fit in with the needs
切合检索:  pertinent retrieval
切合的:  pertinentrelevanttangent
切合性:  pertinency
切合因子:  pertinency factor
切合需要:  fit in with the needs
切合实际:  suit the actual condition of
Example Sentences:
1.The necessary information is available directly at the vehicle and is very up - to - date
2.Continue to review the buildings ordinance for updating and improvement purpose
继续检讨《建筑物条例》 ,务求加以改善,使切合时宜
3.Wwf civic exchange - hong kong needs an up - to - date integrated energy policy 23 march 2006
4.The opening of the new jockey club school of medicine building comes at a most opportune time
5.To keep the policy under constant review , to ensure that it is effective and up - to - date
6.Wwf civic exchange - hong kong needs an up - to - date integrated energy policy
7.For this new paperback edition the author has added an afterword that brings the narrative up to date
8.The automatic internet updater runs as a daemon , making sure your avira software is always up - to - date
9.We are committed to developing an environment and culture that attracts and retains creative and highly skilled professionals
10.The central issue involved is the extent to which hong kongs current civil service pay policy and system are still in keeping with todays circumstances
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