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English translation for "切断电源"

cut off the electricity supply
power cutoff
power dump

Related Translations:
切断状态:  cutoff status
被切断:  to be cut off
钢筋切断:  bar cuttingcutting of bars
切断线路:  line disconnection
切断处理:  disengagement attempt
瞬间切断:  instantaneous trip
应急切断装置:  emergency cut-off
襞切断术:  plicotomy
绳索切断器:  rope chopper
上臂切断术:  amputation of upper arm
Example Sentences:
1.This fact enables the supply to be turned off as required by a switch .
2.He stopped the machine by cutting off the electricity
3.Do cut - off power supply before replacing saw blades
4.Go ahead and shut down your machine and power it down
5.Jane , kill the lights . - what ' s that
珍妮,切断电源! -那是什么?
6.Immediately cut - off power supply when the blade is broken
7.The fences are still hot . we can ' t cut the juice from here
8.If you want to cut off the power , you keep it in the middle .
如果你要切断电源,就转到中间。 ”
9.Switch off when you leave
10.Shut down the computer will turn - off the power of 3 . 5 " ata hdd automatically
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