numerous difficulties and dangers; numerous dangers and hazards; (there are) risks and hardships.; be beset by perils; innumerable hazards and hardships; untold hardships and risks
Related Translations:
克服千难万险: surmount numerous difficulties and dangers
千难万险何所惧: what is there to fear even if untold hardships lie ahead
纵有千难万险也挡不住英勇的探险队员: even though there are myriad hardships and hazards they can't stop the dauntless explorers
Example Sentences:
Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt . 千难万险都不足以使人怀疑。
You surmount every obstacle, that no other man may be richer than yourself . 你排除千难万险,是世界上最富有的人。
Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards , they can 't stop the dauntless explorers . 纵有千难万险,也挡不住英勇的探险队员。
She defeated the pirates . there was stabbing , slicing , torturing , bleeding 她最终打败了海盗过程艰苦卓绝,千难万险
She defeated the pirates . there was stabbing , slicing , torturing , bleeding . . 她最终打败了海盗过程艰苦卓绝,千难万险…
The determined will do everything to succeed . the irresolute think it ' s impossible to achieve anything 有志者,自有千方百计;无志者,只有千难万险。
The ancestors of many famous americans , including hollywood actors cruise and berry , were among those who risked everything to make the voyage across the atlantic ocean 他们的祖先和当时其他移民者一样,克服千难万险横渡过大西洋。
Foolishly you have sought your own demise . brazenly you have disregarded powers beyond your understanding . you have fought hard to invade my realm . now death is the only escape 你们这些蠢货已经主动步入了陷阱,你们正在挑战一个无比强大的存在!虽然你们经历了千难万险,才来到我的领域,来到了我的面前… …现在死亡是唯一的解脱方式!
Anyhow , there s one thing - there s more honor in getting him out through a lot of difficulties and dangers , where there warn t one of them furnished to you by the people who it was their duty to furnish them , and you had to contrive them all out of your own head 不过有一件事是确定无疑的。必须经过千难万险方能把他搭救出来,这才称得上光荣。可这样的千难万险,原本应该有人有这个责任提供的,如今却一无着落,必须由你从自己的脑袋里编造出来。