Zhang ji , being co ? called zhang wang music bureau with wang jian , was a famous music bureau poet of tang dynasty 唐代著名的乐府诗大家张籍,与王建并称“张王乐府”而卓立于文学史坛。
Through the misty dust of time , you are seen carrying overloaded mis - ery , standing above all with your everlasting benevolence ; you are still en - lightening the ordinary people with your eternal lines : on the present mud - dy roads , your great figure is trudging before or after us 拨开岁月的烟尘,你仍背负着超重的苦厄,你仍以悠悠诗心卓立人间,以不朽的诗句启迪苍生,现实的泥泞路上,我们的身前身后,都跋涉着你伟大的身影。