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English translation for "南雅"

lamma island
Example Sentences:
1.The yarlung cultureal festival is an annual festivel occasion
2.With the increasing market competition , and the rapid development of computer and network technology , especially internet / intranet technology , enterprises have to take up the new management style , organization architecture , and decision - making criteria , so as to increase the competition ability . this paper has analysed the origin of products data management and current situation of the development at first , and the importance of good products data management ; and then , summarize through survey of company ' s information - based current situation of the nanfang yamaha company , based on the analysis of the limitation of currently existing c / s and b / s models of computer systems , the paper specifies the development strategies and the advantages of data management based on weboltp . the network framework and system structure are introduces in detail by the nanfang yamaha company ' s application case is given as well . the implementation details of the pdms and its key technology are analyzed
市场竞争日趋激烈,计算机技术和网络技术,特别是internet intranet技术的快速发展,促使企业必须采用新的管理模式、组织结构和决策准则,以不断提高企业的竞争力。本文首先分析了产品数据管理的起源及发展现状,以及良好的产品数据管理的重要性;然后通过对南雅公司信息化现状的调查总结,分析了传统计算机系统c s与b s模式的局限性,提出了基于weboltp的pdm系统设计思路及方法,阐述了基于weboltp技术的企业数据管理的优势,并通过南雅公司基于weboltp的pdm系统的开发,详细介绍了其网络应用框架及体系结构,并对系统的具体实现和其中的关键技术进行了详细分析;最后介绍了南雅公司pdm系统的具体实施方法及效果,并对南雅公司信息化进程提出了展望。
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