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English translation for "压电振子"

piezoelectric vibrator
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis of filter properties and responses on two kinds of signals of piezoelectric vibrators
2.Analysis on the coupling dynamic model of piezoelectric resonator of ultrasonic motor based on energy method
3.The errors in measurement , related to the frequently used ieee standard ( or national standard of china ) method , is analyzed
4.Abstract : in this paper , the influence of the intrinsic material losses on the resonance and parameters measurement of lossy piezoelectric resonators , based on the impedance ( or admittance ) equation , is analyzed
5.The core of the piezoelectric ultrasonic motor , piezoelectric ceramic is systematically researched . based on the piezoelectric effect , the piezoelectric equations are derived . from the piezoelectric equations , the important parameter of the piezoelectric ceramic ' s physical performance and the system equations of the vibrator are derived
深入地研究了超声波马达的核心元件? ?压电陶瓷,从压电效应着手,推导了压电方程,得到了描述压电材料物理特性的几个重要参数,并导出了压电振子及压电陶瓷的系统方程,论述了压电振子的振动模态及谐振特性。
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