English translation for "反向"
- [ fǎnxiàng ]
 opposite direction; reverse; reversion; change; inverse; inversion; reversal
Related Translations:
反向引用: backward referencing 反向电流继电器: back current relayback-current relayreverse current relayreverse-current relay 反向计数器: ccw counterclockwise 反向方位: reciprocal bearingreciprocal beatingreverse bearing 反向变流器: inverted converter inverterinverter 速度反向: velocity reversalvelocityreversal
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The collector junction biased in the reverse direction . 集电结是反向编置。 | | 2. | The counterrotation reduces the net friction torque . 反向旋转减少了净摩擦力。 | | 3. | Venus has the distinction of spinning "backward" on its axis . 金星具有沿主轴反向自转的特性。 | | 4. | We have now arrived at a special case of inverse limits . 现在我们达到了反向极限的一个特殊情形。 | | 5. | A refrigerator may be considered to be a heat engine operated in reverse . 制冷机可视为反向运转的热机。 | | 6. | The buildup of the opposing voltage to its full value requires a longer time . 反向电压上升到它的满值需要较长的时间。 | | 7. | In silk, it would be better to describe the chains as being antiparallel . 在蚕丝中,更确切地讲,这些链是反向平行的。 | | 8. | Such procedures require reversing the creels at first and second drawing . 这样的工序就需要在头、二道并条中换条筒反向。 | | 9. | Several different types of valves are in use. some are back pressure valves . 有几种不同的阀在使用中,有些是反向压力阀。 | | 10. | This condition, known as reverse bias, is not conducive to current flow through the junction . 这种叫做反向偏置的状态不利于电流穿越结。 |
- Similar Words:
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