English translation for "反馈法"
- back to back method
back-to-back method backtobackmethod loading back method
Related Translations:
视频反馈: il video feedbackkpt video feedback 操纵反馈: monitoring feedback 反馈振荡: feedback oscillation 监控反馈: monitoring feedback 反馈电容器: feedback capacitorfeedback condenserreaction capacitorreaction condenserthrottle capacitorthrottle condenser
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Acceleration output extended - feedback for active damping control 主动阻尼控制中的扩展加速度输出反馈法 | | 2. | Controlling spatiotemporal chaos in a coupled map lattice system with prediction feedback 预测反馈法控制耦合映像格子时空混沌系统 | | 3. | A circuit experiment for controlling a discrete chaotic system with time - delayed variable feedback 延迟变量反馈法控制离散混沌系统的电路实验 | | 4. | In the last section , as the design methods of high - order current - mode integrated filters , the equivalent circuits and the multi - loop feedbacks are systematically expounded 最后本文详细介绍了高阶电流模式滤波器的系统方法,阐述了等效电路替代法和多环反馈法,给出了设计的具体步骤。 | | 5. | In the part giving a summary of controlling chaos , ogy control and delayed self - controlling feedback and adaptive control etc . are selected as typical examples to give a further description 在综述混沌控制部分,选取了ogy方法、外力反馈法、延迟反馈法、正比于系统变量的脉冲反馈法、自适应控制方法等一些有代表性的控制方法进行了阐述。 | | 6. | And the basically methods of gyro ’ s drift testing are introduced . the characteristics of force feedback method and servo turntable method are clarified . and the basic principle and method of feedback are emphasized 然后介绍了陀螺仪漂移测试的主要方法,阐明了力反馈法和伺服转台法各自的特点,重点介绍了力反馈法的基本原理和方法。 | | 7. | The paper researches on the control of chaos or hyperchaos via the method of the tune - delayed feedback control ( dfc ) , the proportional periodic pulse perturbation to the system variables ( pp - sv ) and limiting amplitude 本文主要对时间延迟反馈法( dfc ) 、正比于系统变量的周期脉冲扰动法( pp - sv )及限幅法这三种控制混沌和超混沌系统的方法展开了研究工作。 | | 8. | Many effective methods for controlling chaos have been proposed in the insides and aboard , such as : parameters disturbation methods , the feedback way , the time - delayed methods , etc . among these methods , the feedback way has quite broard application , and has very good controlling effect 国内外已经提出了很多有效的混沌控制的方法,如:参数微扰法,反馈法,延迟法等。其中的反馈控制方法应用范围很广,而且具有很好的控制效果。 | | 9. | Third , controlling chaos in the chaotic n - scroll chua ' s circuit is studied . the approach taken is to use feedback of a single state variable in a simple pd ( proportional and differential ) format . first , the unstable fixed points in the n - scroll chua ' s circuit are classified into two different types according to the characteristics of the eigenvalues of the linearized system matrix at the fixed points 第三,研究了多涡卷chua电路中不动点处jacobian矩阵特征根的性质,并据此将不动点分成两类,应用变量的比例微分反馈法分别对这两类不动点的可控性进行了研究,研究发现该法只能实现第一类不动点及其相应子空间的混沌控制,而不能完成第二类不动点的混沌控制,并给出了数值模拟结果,理论分析和数值模拟证实了该方法的有效性。 | | 10. | Based on the generalized synchronization and method of controlling chaos , we present two new methods to realize acute synchronization of two chaotic drefls , i . e . , delay - feedback - injection and delay - outer - chaotic - signal - feedback . it is shown that the method delay - feedback - injection is robust by numerical simulation , which is the base for its application in practice 在广义同步和混沌控制方法的基础上提出了两种新的实现两个激光器混沌精确同步的方法?延时反馈-注入法和外部混沌信号延时反馈法,采用这两种方法实现了两个激光器的同步。 |
- Similar Words:
- "反馈动态学" English translation, "反馈度" English translation, "反馈发射分集" English translation, "反馈发射机" English translation, "反馈发生器" English translation, "反馈返回返应" English translation, "反馈方法的重验" English translation, "反馈方式" English translation, "反馈放大" English translation, "反馈放大器" English translation