English translation for "受体假说"
- receptors hypothesis
Related Translations:
脂肪酸受体: fatty acid acceptorfatty acid receptors 双受体: amboceptoramphoceptorbiceptor 受体基因: acceptor genereceptor gene 共同受体: coreceptoruniceptor 受体部位: acceptor sitereceptor sites
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This hypothesis provide a new thinking on the action of steroid hormone on neurons , and is both a challenge and a supplement to the traditional genomic theory , which held that the action of steroid hormone is solely mediated by its intracellular cytosolic receptor within the cell nucleus 年代首次在国际上提出糖皮质激素作用于神经元的快速、非基因组机制或膜受体假说。这是对传统崽体激素基因机制或细胞学说的挑战与补充,受到国际学术界的高度评价,曾应邀在第 |
- Similar Words:
- "受体激活钙通道" English translation, "受体激活通道" English translation, "受体激酶" English translation, "受体疾病" English translation, "受体级" English translation, "受体剪切位点" English translation, "受体结合部位,受体结合位点" English translation, "受体结合测定" English translation, "受体结合实验" English translation, "受体介导的调节作用" English translation