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English translation for "受体假说"

receptors hypothesis

Related Translations:
穹立造山假说:  blister hypothesis
受体面积:  receptor area
脂肪酸受体:  fatty acid acceptorfatty acid receptors
双受体:  amboceptoramphoceptorbiceptor
受体基因:  acceptor genereceptor gene
共同受体:  coreceptoruniceptor
受体定位:  receptor mapping
及其受体:  ln-robroxr
肌肉受体:  muscle receptor
受体部位:  acceptor sitereceptor sites
Example Sentences:
1.This hypothesis provide a new thinking on the action of steroid hormone on neurons , and is both a challenge and a supplement to the traditional genomic theory , which held that the action of steroid hormone is solely mediated by its intracellular cytosolic receptor within the cell nucleus
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