English translation for "可能最大洪水"
- pmf
probable maximum flood
Related Translations:
冰川洪水: glacier floodjokulhlaupoutburst 可能缺货: occasional stock out 可能降水量: possible precipitation 最可能误差: most probable error 可能的证据: potential evidence
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The calculation of pmf is very important to the safety of hydropower project , so we must pay more attention to it 可能最大洪水计算成果关系到水电工程安全问题,必须引起高度的重视。 | | 2. | The research of reservoir design flood is one of basic works in this subject . it is based on the reasons , and the actual conditions of baipenzhu reservoir are combined , the following contents are researched in this paper : 1 . according to the actual conditions of baipenzhu reservoir and through the compare of parameters estimation methods , a objective and having fine statistic characteristics p - iii frequency curve distribution parameters estimation method of proximate baipenzhu reservoir is putted 正是基于这种考虑,本论文结合白盆珠水库的实际情况,本着理论性与实用性相结合的原则,重点研究以下内容: 1 、根据白盆珠水库的实际情况,对各种参数估计方法进行比较,提出一种客观、有良好统计特性、适用于白盆珠水库的p ?型分布参数估计方法; 2 、利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程; 3 、分析计算可能最大洪水( pmf ) ; 4 、对两种方法计算的设计洪水过程进行调洪演算,推求水库特征水位。 |
- Similar Words:
- "可能值" English translation, "可能致死" English translation, "可能贮藏量" English translation, "可能自杀" English translation, "可能最大暴雨" English translation, "可能最大降水" English translation, "可能最大降水 可能最大降水量" English translation, "可能最大降水量" English translation, "可能最大露点" English translation, "可能最大损失" English translation