English translation for "后闸"
- back brake
rear-wheel brake
Related Translations:
虹吸闸: siphon locksiphon sluice 闸带: brake bandbrake bankbrake strapstrap of the brake
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Bob ' s black bike ' s back brake broke 鲍勃黑色自行车的后闸坏了。 | | 2. | And the conclusion can be obtained thatrafter excavation , the horizontal deformation increased continuedly with the depth of excavation . while the whole deformation takes on a tendency of nearly horizon and slightly downward . the middle part of the shiplocks maintains the state of unloading feedback during the excavation , when the excavation is finished , it expands toward two sides 本文研究发现开挖完成后闸室直立墙和南北边坡的岩体水平方向变形随着开挖深度的下降而不断增大,开挖完成后的总体变形表现为近水平略向下。中隔墩在开挖过程中,始终处于卸荷回弹,开挖完成后,中隔墩向两侧张开。 |
- Similar Words:
- "后增塑" English translation, "后增塑(作用)" English translation, "后增塑性" English translation, "后增压泵" English translation, "后曾岛" English translation, "后闸操作轴" English translation, "后闸底板" English translation, "后闸杆" English translation, "后闸门。" English translation, "后闸伸杆" English translation