English translation for "告诉她为我在海滩找一块地方"
- tell her to find me on acre of land
Related Translations:
一块空地皮: a vacant lot ie a building site 告诉: tell; let [make] know 短语和例子告诉某人某事 tell sb. (about) sth.; inform sb. of sth.; 告诉他们别等了。 tell them not to wait. 有什么消息, 告诉我一声。 let me know if there is any news 偷偷告诉: it is whispered that he was arrested 告诉我: dime(feelings)how much doyou knowtell me i don't seem myselftell me that you're mine againtell me what the fuck istell me you love metell me you won't turn awaytelling me 告诉状: bill of complaintcomplaint bill 告诉她: ya lyublyu tebyayou i love
- Similar Words:
- "告诉她,她是你的唯一" English translation, "告诉她,她是你真正想要的" English translation, "告诉她们应该做怎样的装扮" English translation, "告诉她去收割,用一支皮制的镰刀" English translation, "告诉她为我选一块地" English translation, "告诉她为我找一亩土地" English translation, "告诉她为我做一件衬衫" English translation, "告诉她为我做一件细布衬衫" English translation, "告诉她我爱她" English translation, "告诉她我会马上给给她回电话的" English translation