English translation for "周期载荷"
- cyclic loading
Related Translations:
瞬间载荷: flashy loadinstantaneous load 有效载荷: actual loadactual(service) loadpay loadpayload-structure-fuel weight ratioreal loadthrow weightuseful load 冲刷载荷: scour loadingscour-loading 合成载荷: combined loadresultant load 平均载荷: average loadmean load
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | 1 . based on magnetic domain energy theory , magnetomechanical effect of single cycle load is studied and it is analysed emulationally that magnetic memory characteristic parameters of single cycle load . magnitude and direction of accessional magnetic intensity are made sure of the ferromagnetism material derived from single cycle load 全文主要研究内容如下: 1 .基于磁畴结构的能量理论,对单周期载荷力磁效应进行了研究,并对单周期载荷磁记忆特征量进行了数值仿真,确定了铁磁性材料单周期载荷的应力附加磁化强度的大小和方向。 | | 2. | Abstract : in the light of the problems of high power consumption and low working efficiency in a beam pumping unit , a new method for power saving of the unit is proposed , that is , adopting an optimum structure of the unit and decreasing the periodic load coefficient of the pumping unit by changing the performance characteristics of the electric motor and by increasing the rotary inertia of the unit 文摘:针对游梁式抽油机能耗大,工作效率低的问题,提出游梁式抽油机节能的新方法,即在采用优化抽油机结构的基础上,通过改变电动机的工作特性和增加抽油机转动惯量的办法降低抽油机周期载荷系数。 |
- Similar Words:
- "周期运算式模拟计算机" English translation, "周期运行" English translation, "周期运行, 循环使用" English translation, "周期运行方式" English translation, "周期运转" English translation, "周期载荷曲线" English translation, "周期载荷试验" English translation, "周期载荷状态" English translation, "周期载荷作用下应力强度范围" English translation, "周期再生式强化重整装置" English translation