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English translation for "因陀"


Related Translations:
婆陀:  baddha bound tied fettered fixed also
只陀:  kida
陀石窟:  ajantacavetemple
纯陀:  cunda a native of kuinagara from whom ākyamuni accepted his last meal
淳陀:  cunda
普陀樟:  cinnamomum japonicum
白陀助:  shiro-wabisuke
阿陀斯:  athos
干陀罗:  gandhara
普陀山:  mount putuoputuo mountainputuo shan
Example Sentences:
1.Like indra , vishnu is said to have subdued serpents
2.About two - thirds of rigveda is about the gods agni ( fire ) and indra ( ruler of the gods )
3.In the words of the archaeologist mortimer wheeler , the indo - aryan war god indra " stands accused " of the destruction
4.He is protected during his adventures by agastya , and also rescued ahalya after she was turned to stone by her husband for having an affair with indra
5.It has two parts , purva - archika ( first adoratona ) and uttar - archika ( later adoration ) , containing verses addressed to the three gods agni ( fire ) , indra ( king of gods ) and soma ( energizing herb )
它分为两部分: 《般遮云夏梵书》和《陀罗瓦克罗梵书》 ,包括三位神诗文,三位神是阿耆尼(火神) ,因陀罗(众神之王)和索摩(给予人精力的草药) 。
6.The retinue of indra consists chiefly of the gandharvas , a class of genii , considered in the epics as the celestial musicians ; and their wives , the apsaras , lovely nymphs , who are frequently employed by the gods to make the pious devotee desist from carrying his austere practices to an extent that might render him dangerous to their power
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