English translation for "因陀"
- indra
Related Translations:
婆陀: baddha bound tied fettered fixed also 纯陀: cunda a native of kuinagara from whom ākyamuni accepted his last meal 普陀樟: cinnamomum japonicum 普陀山: mount putuoputuo mountainputuo shan
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Like indra , vishnu is said to have subdued serpents 像]因陀罗,毗瑟?据说是已经屈服的大毒蛇。 | | 2. | About two - thirds of rigveda is about the gods agni ( fire ) and indra ( ruler of the gods ) 大约三分之二的梨俱吠陀是包括有关阿耆尼(火神)和因陀罗(众神的管理者)的内容。 | | 3. | In the words of the archaeologist mortimer wheeler , the indo - aryan war god indra " stands accused " of the destruction 考古学家莫蒂默惠勒声称,印度?雅利安的战神因陀罗被“指控”为破坏。 | | 4. | He is protected during his adventures by agastya , and also rescued ahalya after she was turned to stone by her husband for having an affair with indra 他在整个冒险历程都受到阿格斯提亚的保护,也拯救了阿赫勒娅,因为她由于与因陀罗有不正当关系而被丈夫变成了石头。 | | 5. | It has two parts , purva - archika ( first adoratona ) and uttar - archika ( later adoration ) , containing verses addressed to the three gods agni ( fire ) , indra ( king of gods ) and soma ( energizing herb ) 它分为两部分: 《般遮云夏梵书》和《陀罗瓦克罗梵书》 ,包括三位神诗文,三位神是阿耆尼(火神) ,因陀罗(众神之王)和索摩(给予人精力的草药) 。 | | 6. | The retinue of indra consists chiefly of the gandharvas , a class of genii , considered in the epics as the celestial musicians ; and their wives , the apsaras , lovely nymphs , who are frequently employed by the gods to make the pious devotee desist from carrying his austere practices to an extent that might render him dangerous to their power 因陀罗的随从主要是由乾达婆组成,是一群魔仆,在史诗上被认为是天上的乐师;他们的妻子,一群女精灵,是美丽的少女,经常受雇于众神去让虔诚的献身者停止他某种程度上的严峻考验,从而致使他对他们的力量构成威胁。 |
- Similar Words:
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