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English translation for "在远端"

at the remote end
Example Sentences:
1.Therefore the origins of limb muscles are usually at their proximal ends, not at their distal ends .
2.The preset is actually saved on the far end system
3.- on the far side . - i ' ll keep them distracted until you get there
4.On the far side . - i ' ll keep them distracted until you get there
5.I want to be sure my aspect is configured before any remote exceptions are thrown
6.The argument database is the filename of the mail database or server ! ! file if remote
< database >参数是邮件资料库的档案名(在远端情况下则使用server
7.The source argument is the full filename of the source database use server ! ! file if remote
< source >参数是来源资料库的完整档案名(在远端情况下则为使用server
8.As expected , if simulations are run assuming the presence of a low impedance remote termination , the results degrade significantly
9.We can see the information by internet browser . surely we can transmit our commands by web page to change the running state of the inverter modules
10.The messages displayed and in the affected files are full of threats , and appear as though the users ' activities are being monitored , perhaps by another person remotely
Similar Words:
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