English translation for "均匀体"
- homogeneous body
Related Translations:
均匀冷却: even coolinghomogeneous coolinguniform cooling 很均匀: wellproportionedwellpropotioned
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It uses the encouragement of step wave or other impulse current field source to produce the transition process field in earth . in the moment of shutting the power it produce the volute alternating electromagnetic field . from the abnormity of measuring the attenuation character of the second induction electromagnetic field , which produced by underground medium with time change , the conductive capacity and the position of the underground non - homogeneous substance can be analyzed 瞬变电磁法( transientelectromagneticmethod )是一种时间域的电磁勘探方法,利用阶跃波或其它脉冲电流场源激励,在大地产生过渡过程场,断电瞬间在大地中形成涡旋交变电磁场,测量这种由地下介质产生的二次感应电磁场随时间变化的衰减特性,从测量得到的异常分析出地下不均匀体的导电性能和位置,从而达到解决地质问题的目的。 | | 2. | Following a discussion on the application of seismic techniques to the budunhua copper deposit in inner mongolia as well as the achievements gained , the paper points out that the ore - controlling structure can be detected by using reflection events , and the heterogeneuos bodies related to orebodies might be studied by utilizing high - frequency irregular scattering waves 在对内蒙古布敦花铜矿勘查中的地震方法技术及取得的成果讨论后指出,利用反射同相轴可研究测区的控矿构造,利用高频不规则散射波可研究与矿体有关的非均匀体。 |
- Similar Words:
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