English translation for "奥内尔"
- honel
martin o'neill oner onora o’neill ornell
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This is the kind of radical circumstance that could have seriously upped shaq ' s free throw percentages 这里真是一个可以提高奥内尔投篮准确率的极端环境。 | | 2. | However lazio ' s new argentinean defender lionel scaloni is not intimidated by the challenge 不过拉齐奥的新的阿根廷后卫里奥内尔.斯卡洛尼对于挑战没有被吓倒。 | | 3. | " i was asked questions about lionel jospin ' s policy and i meant to say in french that lionel jospin was a prime minister with policies i want to emulate , " he told centre - left leaders from several nations . " instead , i said in french that lionel jospin was a prime minister i desired in many different positions , " he said to laughter from the audience 他对几个国家的中左派领导人说: "在回答有关利奥内尔若斯潘政策的问题时,我本来是想用法语说'利奥内尔若斯潘是一位我值得我学习的总理,他的治国之道也是我应该借鉴的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "奥内布拉" English translation, "奥内查" English translation, "奥内达" English translation, "奥内蒂" English translation, "奥内多" English translation, "奥内尔瓦" English translation, "奥内菲" English translation, "奥内高" English translation, "奥内海姆" English translation, "奥内河" English translation