English translation for "工业工程系"
- department of industrial engineering
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This building is for industrial engineering dept 这里是工业工程系的系馆。 | | 2. | Department of industrial engineering 工业工程系 | | 3. | Has taught in the dept . of industrial engineering and graduate school of business at stanford university and within mckinsey s mini - mba program . she is the author of the best - selling business book , 曾经任教于史丹福大学工业工程系所dept . of industrial engineering and graduate school ,以及mckinsey公司的小型企管硕士计划。 | | 4. | In october 1998 , in order to further promote interaction and combination of different disciplines , the department of engineering mechanics and the department of thermal engineering were incorporated into the school of mechanical engineering 2003年成立工业工程系。 2004年5月18日,我校成立航天航空学院,力学工程系划归该学院。 |
- Similar Words:
- "工业工程类" English translation, "工业工程年会" English translation, "工业工程评论" English translation, "工业工程师" English translation, "工业工程师协会(英国)" English translation, "工业工程学" English translation, "工业工程学士" English translation, "工业工程学硕士" English translation, "工业工程学学士" English translation, "工业工程学院" English translation