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English translation for "工业机械手"

industrial robot

Related Translations:
控制器机械手:  manipulator
通用机械手:  general purpose manipulatorrobotunimate
操作机械手:  manipulator
遥控机械手:  remote control manipulatorremote manipulatortelemanipulatorteleoperator
焊接机械手:  welding manipulator
机械手孔道:  manipulator hole
机械手指:  mechanical finger
倾斜机械手:  tilting finger
万能机械手:  general manipulatorgeneral-purpose manipulatoruniversal manipulator
机械手关节:  manipulator joint
Example Sentences:
1.Each joint of industrial robotic manipulators cannot rotate to any angle because of mechanical constraints
2.With references to tae - yong kue kwanghee nam and jin s . lee ' s [ 32 ] literatures , algorithm b was obtained after modifying algorithm a . the output signal of industrial robotic manipulator controller is correspondence with the torque provided by each joint
Lee的研究成果,得到简化的机械手反馈迭代学习控制律(算法b ) 。摘要?工业机械手控制器的输出信号是与每个关节电机所需提供的转矩相对应的。
3.Industrial robotic manipulators are widely used in industrial manufacturing and assembling lines , which contributes greatly to the increase of productivity . at the same time , industrial robotic manipulators can be used to deal with many different jobs . they can fulfill many kinds of manufacturing , assembling and moving jobs with low costs
4.Although the research of industrial robotic manipulators and their control algorithms has had a long history , it ' s difficult to apply many algorithms to real plants because of the high non - linearity , high coupling , time variation of the system , problem in model accuracy , computation consumption and equipment costs
工业机械手及其控制算法研究已经有了几十年的历史。但是由于工业机械手是一个高度非线性、强耦合、时变的系统,模型精度问题、庞大的计算量和设备成本成为了很多理论算法投入生产实践应用的“瓶颈” 。
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