English translation for "席尔"
- schiel
schierl schill schirl seals & crofts
Related Translations:
席林: schielinschillingsilling 席那: xena: warrior princess
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Mikael silvestre had not been selected for the french squad 席尔维斯特未入先法国队大名单。 | | 2. | - colonel roux . - oh , thank you , silvi 罗乌上校哦,谢谢,席尔维 | | 3. | Colonel roux . - oh , thank you , silvi 罗乌上校哦,谢谢,席尔维 | | 4. | " i didn ' t believe he ' d come back , " revealed silvestre “我简直不敢相信他能恢复以前的状态。 ”席尔维斯特说。 | | 5. | Meanwhile , silva could be set for a contract extension at valencia over the summer 同时,席尔瓦将会在今年夏天得到一份新合同。 | | 6. | Arsenal midfielder gilberto silva is mulling over an offer from juventus 阿森纳中场吉尔伯托?席尔瓦正在考虑来自尤文图斯的报价 | | 7. | Those who want beauty and something unique can go to seychelles ' la digue island 想要享受美景和独特体验的人可以到塞席尔群岛的拉迪戈岛。 | | 8. | " we intend to resolve the situation by the weekend , " said president pinto da silva “我们打算在周末前解决这个问题。 ”波尔图主席平托-达-席尔瓦如是说。 | | 9. | Arsenal boss arsene wenger insists the future of gilberto silva lies at the emirates stadium 阿森纳主帅阿塞尼-温格强调吉尔伯托.席尔瓦的未来依然在酋长球场 | | 10. | Arsenal ' s gilberto silva has admitted that he would be tempted by a summer offer from juventus 阿森纳的吉尔伯托?席尔瓦已经承认他对夏天转会尤文图斯很感兴趣。 |
- Similar Words:
- "席地而坐" English translation, "席多拜克" English translation, "席恩拜因" English translation, "席恩勒" English translation, "席而灵牌小闹钟" English translation, "席尔巴赫" English translation, "席尔鲍姆" English translation, "席尔贝格" English translation, "席尔贝格尔" English translation, "席尔贝克" English translation