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English translation for "干(坏事)"


Related Translations:
坏事:  1.(不好的事) bad thing; evil deed 短语和例子坏事可以变成好事。a bad thing can be turned into a good one.2.(把事搞坏) ruin sth.; make things worse 短语和例子坏事了! something terrible has happened. 急躁只能坏事。 impetuosity w
坏事有余:  he is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things
做坏事:  do wrongmisdoperpetrationserve the devil
一切坏事:  the devil and all
坏事了:  something terrible has happened
坏事丑事:  wicked and shameless things; foul and evil things
贪多坏事:  (he) has grasped too much and ruined the whole affair
腐坏事故:  decay accident
过多反坏事:  too much spoils too little is nothing
失足做坏事:  fall by the wayside and do bad things
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