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English translation for "干干脆脆"

flat and plain; without more [further] ado

Related Translations:
干脆:  1.(直截了当) clear-cut; straightforward; not mince one's words 短语和例子干脆一点嘛 ! make it snappy!2.(爽快) simply; just; altogether 短语和例子你干脆说 “行” 还是“不行” 。 just say yes or no
干脆点:  make up your mind
或者干脆:  bowl series
干脆的:  pointblankringing
干脆地:  sans phrase
你干脆说:  "行"
干脆苹果丁:  apple nuggets
咸干脆花生:  salted cri peanutsalted crispeanut
干脆把某人赶走:  throw sb out neck and crop
一笔干脆的交易:  a straight deal
Example Sentences:
1. "in short, my dear fellow, will you come to me? "
2.We finally lost , totally lost in the end , instead dry
3.They were married without more ado
4." in short , my dear fellow , will you come to me ?
“我的老朋友,干干脆脆说,愿意不愿意上我那儿去呢? ”
5.They married without more ado
6.That is an actor i think . her first film was , to be put mildly , unremarkable ; a supporting role as a human - machine hybrid in the 1993 cyborg ii : glass shadows
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