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English translation for "干得漂亮"

well done

Related Translations:
漂亮女孩:  bellebeutiful girlthe beautiful girl
漂亮球:  nice ball
好漂亮:  how beautiful
漂亮男孩:  pretty boys
漂亮宝贝:  guineverepretty babypretty girl bullsh*tpretty woman
漂亮女人:  oh,pretty womanpretty ladypretty women
漂亮礼物:  pretty paper
漂亮地:  footstepgallantlyhandsomelynicelysmartlystylishly
漂亮亲戚:  smart kin
变得漂亮:  smarten up
Example Sentences:
1.You did a brilliant job and we thank you. we are in your debt .
2.Well executed , bough , but completely redundant
3.He hid it in a black jewelry box . - good job
4.- he hid it in a black jewelry box . - good job
5.? ? well executed , bough , but completely redundant
6.' nice job , fermat . ' - nothing to it , really
干得漂亮,费马” -这没什么
7.Good job , fermat . - so , what do you think
8.That ' s where the bullet got pulled . - nice work
9.- good job , fermat . - so , what do you think
10.- that ' s where the bullet got pulled . - nice work
Similar Words:
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