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English translation for "干湿球湿度计"

dry and wet bulb hygrometer
dry and wet bulb psychrometer
dry-wet bulb hygrometer
physical hygrometer
wet and dry bulb hygrometer
wet and dry bulb thermometer
wet and dry hydrometer
wet and-dry bulb hygrometer
wet-and-dry bulb thermometer
wet-and-dry hookup
wet-and-dry-bulb hygrometer
wet-and-dry-bulb thermometer

Related Translations:
干湿效应:  psychrometer effect
干湿喉管:  dry/wet pipeline
干湿循环:  alternation of wetting and dryingwetting and drying cyclewettinganddryingcycle
干湿球:  wet and dry bulb◇干湿球湿度计 wet and dry bulb hygrometer; 干湿球温度表 psychrometer; catathermometer; 干湿球温度计 [物理学] psychrometer; wet and dry bulb thermometer
干湿褛:  trench coat
干湿温度计:  psychrometerwet-and-dry-bulb thermometer
干湿计:  psychrograph
干湿两用:  wet and drywet-and-dry
干湿交替:  alternation of wetting and dryingalternationofwettinganddryingwetting-and-drying
干湿强度比:  wet-dry strength ratio
Example Sentences:
1.Standard test method for measuring humidity with a psychrometer the measurement of wet - and dry - bulb temperatures
Similar Words:
"干湿强度比" English translation, "干湿球" English translation, "干湿球差" English translation, "干湿球湿差" English translation, "干湿球湿度表" English translation, "干湿球湿度计;干湿表" English translation, "干湿球温差" English translation, "干湿球温度" English translation, "干湿球温度表" English translation, "干湿球温度测定法" English translation