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English translation for "幻术"

[ huànshù ] 
magic; conjuring; sorcery; thaumaturgy 短语和例子

Related Translations:
迷幻术:  sorcery
幻术墙:  illusory wall
幻术师:  enchanterenchantressthe illusionist
幻术的:  magicof sorcery
幻术领域:  illusion
幻术士:  enchanter
幻术系:  illusion
魔幻术师:  hanussen
幻术师的重任:  a mesmer's burden
Example Sentences:
1.At first glance, it all seems an alchemist's illusion .
2.Magic of polynesia cocktail show cocktail
3.Is an enchanter necessary to give magic properties to an item
4.66 gnome illusionists sell false wares , then flee the city
5.Magic of polynesia cocktail show
6.53 illusions cast by gnomes from a small village have started becoming real
7.52 ruins of a wondrous gnome city , full of illusory magic , lie at the bottom of a huge lake
8.But this is not always true - - for example a dom mesmer is far more flexible than a burst assasin
但是这不总是正确的? ?比如一个牵制幻术远远比一个疾掠刺客要灵活得多。
9.Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic . healers are clerics , and they can be either dark or light
死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师(属于另外一种魔法) ,他们可以属于任何一个阵营。
10.They despite deception above all other offence , and lies ( or even simple illuion spells ) are capital crimes within their settlements
Similar Words:
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