English translation for "建筑学硕士"
- master of architecture m.arch
master of scienc
Related Translations:
建筑学: architecture; architectonecs 短语和例子中国宋朝李诫所著《营造法式》是世界上最早、最完备的建筑学专著。 写成于公元1100年。 “rules of architecture,” written in the year of 1100 by li jie of the song dynasty (960 a.d.-1279 a.d.), was t 铝建筑学: aluminum architecture 庭园建筑学: garden architecture 狭义建筑学: architecture proper 房屋建筑学: architectural design & constructionbuilding construction 数据建筑学: information architeture 水工建筑学: hydraulic architecture 建筑学档案: architectural record 交通建筑学: traffic architecture
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | A major part of the exhibition features the design theses of the master of architecture march , master of urban design and master of landscape architecture degree courses 展出的作品中,大部份是建筑学硕士、城市设计硕士及园境硕士课程的毕业论文作品。 | | 2. | A major part of the exhibition features " design theses " of the master of architecture march , master of urban design and master of landscape architecture degree courses 展出的作品中,大部份是建筑学硕士、城市设计硕士、以及园境硕士课程的毕业论文作品。 | | 3. | A major part of the exhibition features " design theses " of the master of architecture ( march ) , master of urban design and master of landscape architecture degree courses 展出的作品中,大部份是建筑学硕士、城市设计硕士、以及园境硕士课程的毕业论文作品。 | | 4. | Most students who have successfully completed the degree of ba archstud apply to enter the two - year master of architecture curriculum . qualified architects are employed by both the private and the public sectors 多数本科学生完成建筑学士学位后会选择继续攻读建筑学硕士学位,有认可资格的建筑师可受雇于政府及私人机构。 | | 5. | The professional architectural degree programme consists of two consecutive programmes ; one which extends three years leading to the degree of bachelor of social science ( architectural studies ) , followed by two years of graduate work leading to the degree of master of architecture 此乃专业建筑课程,首阶段是为期三年的社会科学(建筑)学士课程,第二阶段是为期两年的建筑学硕士课程。 | | 6. | Professor ho puay - peng received his m . a . in architecture and diploma in architecture from the university of edinburgh , u . k in 1983 and 1984 respectively . he was awarded ph . d . in art and architectural history at the school of oriental and african studies , university of london , in 1992 何培斌教授于一九八三及八四年获英国爱丁堡大学建筑学硕士及建筑学文凭,一九九二年获伦敦大学亚非学院博士学位,专攻艺术与建筑史。 | | 7. | The bachelor of arts in architectural studies programme aims to prepare students for the master of architecture professional course and for the parallel masters courses in urban design , landscape architecture and architectural conservation . it seeks to equip students with basic technical skills and a basic knowledge of architecture 建筑学士学位旨在培养学生具备基本建筑技术与知识,为日后继续攻读建筑学硕士学位及其他硕士课程,如城市规划园境规划及建筑文物保护等打下坚实的基础。 |
- Similar Words:
- "建筑学上" English translation, "建筑学上的;地壳构造上的" English translation, "建筑学上的五种古典柱式" English translation, "建筑学实验室" English translation, "建筑学士" English translation, "建筑学文摘" English translation, "建筑学与批评理论" English translation, "建筑学与舞蹈" English translation, "建筑学院" English translation, "建筑学资料系统" English translation