English translation for "径向矢量"
- radial vector
Related Translations:
径向热传导: radial heat conduction 径向球轴承: annular ball baringannular ball bearingradial ball bearing
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Second, since the radius vectors r to the extreme points of the ellipse satisfy(5. 3-12)they are parallel to the two allowed d vectors . 其次,因为到椭圆极值点的径向矢量r满足式(53-12),故这两个径向矢量与两个允许的D矢量平行。 | | 2. | Second , since the radius vectors r to the extreme points of the ellipse satisfy ( 5 . 3 - 12 ) they are parallel to the two allowed d vectors 其次,因为到椭圆极值点的径向矢量r满足式( 5 3 - 12 ) ,故这两个径向矢量与两个允许的d矢量平行。 |
- Similar Words:
- "径向伸缩减摇鳍" English translation, "径向渗透" English translation, "径向渗透试验" English translation, "径向时基" English translation, "径向时基显示器" English translation, "径向式导水机构" English translation, "径向式叶轮" English translation, "径向式油封" English translation, "径向收缩" English translation, "径向收缩率" English translation