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English translation for "志留系"

[ zhìliúxì ]
silurian system

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ动词1.(停止在某处不动; 不离去) remain; stay 短语和例子久留 stay long; 领导指示我们留在原地不动。 the leadership instructed us to remain where we were. 今天我不出去了, 我留在家里工作。 i won't go out today; i'll stay in and work.2.(使留;
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis of silurian reservoir - formation condition in tahe oilfield
2.Study on oil - gas accumulating conditions in silurian of abei - shunbei block
3.Control of sever deformation of deep buried siluric stratum of wushaoling tunnel
4.Silurian acritarchs and chitinozoans in wenquangou group from the west kunlun region
5.The trap factor is subordinate at present in this area . in the kongquehe slope , the oil and nature gas is mostly distributed in silurian and jurassic sand
6.In terms of sulphur isotope result from sphalerite , galenite > pyrite and chalcopyrite , the 8 34s % o value obtained in fozichong orefield ranges mainly between 0 ~ + 5 , which is coincident with the average 5 34s % o value of submarine stratabound sulphide deposits in silurian strate distributed over other areas of the world
地球化学研究显示,佛子冲矿田硫同位素5伦值主要集中分布在0 5之间,与世界其它地区志留系海相硫化物矿床的6吨陆值大体一致。
7.Based on the characteristics of natural gas generation anddistribution as well as the that of formation pressures in the east part of sichuan basin , migration and accumulation mechanism of natural gas in silurian - carboniferous petroleum system in the area is studied in the paper
8.There are two kinds of model for forming gas pools both in the abnormally pressured compartment and out the compartment in the system . after the breakage of overpressured fluid compartments in silurian system , hydrocarbons generated in the compartments flowed to carboniferous in a phase of mixed fluids
9.2 . tazhong ancient uplift originated from normal fault in paleozoic , hydrocarbon formed in ordovician period , structure reverse made tazhong uplift form from the middle ordovician period to the late ordovician period , and it provided geologic background for the deposit of silurian - devonian stratum . tazhong uplift formed at the end devonian , ancient reservoir was destroyed and asphaltum sandstone formed , structure deformation more destroyed ancient reservoir in early permian , after then the major of structure deformation is regulation
10.The reservoir is sand of silurian and jurassic especially of delta and distributary fluvial facies sand . the growth of well reservoir sand is the key fector for gas reservoir to form in this area . by the small porosity of silurian compact sand , the position where comparative homogeneous sand growth with little mud or fracture concentrated is the location for gas to enrich
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