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English translation for "思想意识"

regardless of political party or ideology

Related Translations:
有能源意识的:  energy consciousenergy-conscious
思想者:  le penseurthe thinkerthinker
思想活动:  thought actthoughtactt
自然经济思想:  ideas of a natural economy
端正思想:  correct one's thinkingstraighten out one's ideasstraighten out one's thinking
帮派思想:  factionalist ideas
思想控制:  thought control
思想冲动:  thought impulse
中华思想:  culture of china
战略思想:  strategic thinking
Example Sentences:
1.There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies .
2.He wondered if inanimate objects might have a mental existence .
3.This is not saying that all journalists and screenwriters are forced to follow ideological lines .
4.Their mutual distrust and fear would complicate giving concrete form to their ideological hostility to us .
5.Of all the public figures i have known he retained the most absolute, almost touching faith in the power of ideas .
6.It was apparently unavoidable that the endeavors of forestry sciences in coping with such complexity were hamstrung by ideology .
7.Only a great lust for poweror near-fanatical ideological convictioncan have impelled them into careers in which there are few winners and disastrous penalties for losers .
8.The middle class felt its horizons expanding
9.On the reform practice and the social ideological change
10.The origin of xiao hong ' s thought consciousness
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