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English translation for "抗痉挛药"


Related Translations:
痉挛:  convulsion; spasm; cramp; tetang 短语和例子食管痉挛 spasm of the esophagus; esophagospasm; 胃痉挛 spasm of the stomach; 这孩子的神经性疾病常使她产生痉挛。 the child's nervous illness often threw her into convulsion.;
宫颈痉挛:  cervial spasm
贲门痉挛:  cardio asmcardiospasmhiatal esophagismingluveosis
睑痉挛:  blepharospasm; blepharism
子宫颈痉挛:  cervical spasm
言语痉挛:  logoclonia
冠状动脉痉挛:  coronarismcoronarospasmcoronary artery spasmcoronary asmcoronary spasmcoronary vasospasmspasm of coronary arteries
幽门痉挛:  pyloric spasmpylorospasm
心脏痉挛:  cardiospasm
指痉挛:  dactylospasmwriter's cramp
Example Sentences:
1.It ' s the klonopin . - that ' d explain that eye twitch
她在吃klonopin (抗痉挛药) -这解释了为什么她会眼皮抽搐
2.In terms of drug therapies , antispasmodic drugs are safe , but offer only a small improvement relative to placebo
3.Loperamide is helpful for symptoms of urgency and frequency but may exacerbate abdominal pain and discomfort . antispasmodic and tricyclic antidepressant drugs improve pain , whereas ispaghula improves pain and bowel habit
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