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English translation for "抛给"

toss to

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(扔; 投掷) throw; toss; fling 短语和例子把帽子抛向空中 throw one's cap into the air; fling one's hat up in the air; 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy; 抛球throw [toss] a ball2.(丢下; 抛弃) leave behind; cast aside; a
高抛:  high toss
抛针:  stitch cast off
抛描:  breakdown on the way
抛击:  throw
抛丸机抛头:  shot blast impeller
抛矛兵:  peltast
抛高射门:  toss-up shot
抛缆器:  hawser apparatus
抛盖栓:  canopy jettison breech
Example Sentences:
1.He was casting her for a man to catch her .
2.Tolstoy bombards you with twenty-two names .
3.Then he cut open a baseball, stuffed a letter in it, sewed the ball up, tossed it to the boy at home plate and shouted “go!”
4.You people fill my head with so many of your problems
5.We were able to pass a rope to him before he was sucked under
6.It looks like sally is going to cast her ballot in favor ofthe president
7.It was as helpful as throwing a drowning man both ends of a rope
8.Anna : throw it to me , carl
9.I ' m sorry to hit you with this problem . i don ' t know who else to turn to
10.Then i met , or rather got to know , the lady who threw me first lifeline
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