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English translation for "接触压力"

contact pre ure
contact pressure
kiss pressure
pressure of contact surface

Related Translations:
接触:  1.(交往) come into contact with; get in touch with 短语和例子保持接触 maintain contact; 接触语言环境 give sb. more exposure to the language environment; 代表团接触了各界人士。 the delegation met with people from all
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis and calculation of the coefficient about arbitrary intersect angle of two cylinders in rotary kiln
2.Influences of the tube wall thickness reduction after hydraulic expanded joint on the residual contact pressure
3.Subsoil ; analysis of contact pressure distribution under raft foundations ; explanations and examples of analysis
4.The contact pressure distribution is significantly affected by many factors , such as tire characteristics , inflation pressure , axle load , tire tread patterns and types of pavement
5.The summation of forces on extensor mechanism should be zero according to equilibrium rules of forces before and after total knee arthroplasty based on constant extensor moment
6.In order to confirm the stress of the plastic screw gear , it is necessary to modify the straight design formula 1 and 2 , so as to compensate the contact pressure caused by different gear shape
为确定作用在塑料螺旋轮所受的应力,需要修改直轮设计公式1和2 ,以补偿二者之间形不同而所受的接触压力不同。
7.Many recent researches have indicated that the contact pressure between tire and pavement is highly complex . it is different from the uniformly distributed vertical stress distributions traditionally used for pavement analysis
8.The test study change of the soil pressure , the touch pressure between pipe and soil , pore pressure , the movement of depth soil , the underwater level and the deformation of earth surface in process of pipe jacking
9.The residue contact pressure will be decreased after temperature cycle , the higher the working temperature , the lower the residue contact pressure , which has been proved by experiment
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