After they had seized yung ping the reds sank two new oil wells . 红军占领永平后,开凿了两口新油井。
In a joint venture with brazil s petrobras galp recently bought the rights to 30 new oil blocs in brazil increasing the number of blocs it has in joint ventures to 54 成立的一个合资企业近期收购了巴西30个新油井,使油井总数增加到54个。
Ab lio refused to comment on the revenue that could be made from the concession of the new blocs saying that the main aim was to attract foreign investors to the country 拒绝评论新油井特许权期内能创造的利润,他说,招标的主要目的是为安哥拉吸引外资。
According to the two companies the studies carried out as part of a joint prospecting project which began three years ago led to the decision to drill a new well in the exploration area which covers a total 29 000 square meters 联合石油勘探计划在三年前就开始了,勘探地区面积达29000平方米。两公司称,作为该计划的一部分,他们将在勘探地区钻一口新油井。