He accepted every unjust rebuke and snub as part of the day's routine . 他把每一个不公平的指责和冷落当作日课的一部分来接受。
Father conmee drew off his gloves and took his rededged breviary out 康米神父脱掉手套,掏出红边的圣教日课。
Healthy too chanting , regular hours , then brew liqueurs . benedictine . green chartreuse 他们也都健康,准时吟诵圣教日课,然后就酿酒。
Father conmee blessed both gravely and turned a thin page of his breviary . sin : principes persecuti sunt me gratis : et a verbis tuis formidavit cor meum 康米神父庄重地祝福了他们俩,然后翻开薄薄的一页圣教日课: sin 53 。
2 . every time , at the end of the day , when the clergy , members of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life and the other faithful bound by law to recite the liturgy of the hours , as well as those who are accustomed to praying the divine office for pure devotion , recite vespers and compline note 2 .所有圣职人员献身生活会及使徒生活团的成员,以及其他依法有义务诵念时辰颂祷日课的信友,及纯出于热心而惯常每日诵念时辰颂祷的信友,于黄昏时分以团体或私人方式,在显供或保存于圣体内的圣体前诵念晚祷vespers及夜祷compline
After some time , you will find that you have a kind of vigor and boldness in your brush strokes especially if you have followed the principles in calligraphy strokes . then examine whether your painting has resemblance to reality or not , as they will be considered as realistic , abstract or expressionistic . it is not necessary to be concerned whether this is a new or a traditional style of painting 将你意象中形似即使非形似亦可画出,纸上画面一定会给你一个答复,留着,注个日期,不妨,天天做,这就是日课,过了一些时候,你的笔致,自然会生一股力,最好是以你习字的笔致去做,再审察这些形似与无形似的画,形似者为近写实画,无形似者为写意画,根本无须新派画,旧派画,参考上面说的,你的意象中,如有诗词文的句子,这就是灵感的反应,你的大作即有了画题。
On holy saturday the priests read in the breviary a sermon written by an ancient unknown author , who visualized christ descending to hades after his death to awake adam . the lord was holding adam s hand and said to him , " i am your god , for you i became your son taking on the human nature . today i say to you and your descendants , come forth from your prison 圣周六我们神父在日课里阅读一篇古代无名作者所写的讲道词,他想像基督死后去阴府唤醒亚当,抓住了他的手说:我是你的天主,为了你,我成了你的儿子取了人性,今天我对你及你的子孙说:你们从监狱里出来吧!