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English translation for "易初莲花"

lotus supercenter

Related Translations:
莲花寺:  lianhuasi
初进气口:  primary air inlet
初产:  primiparity◇初产妇[者] unipara; primipara
初冰期:  anaglacial
初凝:  initial set; pre-hardening◇初凝结 initial condensation; 初凝时间 [土] initial setting time
初治:  hatsujiinitial treatmentuejiuijiuji
初房:  initial chamberinitialchamberprococulumprotoconch
初虫:  primary zooid
初晶:  primary constituentprimary crystal
初禅:  pathama jhana
Example Sentences:
1.Lotus center shanghai jinshan store
2.Lotus catenation supermarket
3.The second truly hotpot will soon open at the beginning of next year in the new lotus headquarter yang gao zhong rd
4.Meanwhile , lotus will welcome a speed development period in next 3 years and plan to set up 100 stores in major cities all around china by 2005
5.Perimeter have heavy to moisten hair , such large sales fields as lotus flower , 900 houses , etc . offer gifted and convenient life apt the beginning
6.Continuing its stable development situation , lotus keeps its sales growth around 20 % to 30 % every year and population over 50 million
易初莲花在中国始终保持着良好的发展势头,每年的销售额增长保持在20 % - 30 % ,顾客数达到五千多万人次。
7.Meanwhile , lotus will welcome a speed development period in next 3 years and plan to set up 100 stores in major cities all around china by 2005
8.Proceed straight past hong xu road , past hong mei road , and hong zhong road . you will pass a large lotus supercenter and mcdonald ' s on the right just before hechuan road
向前一直开过虹许路(虹许路在修中环) ,开过虹梅路和虹中路。在合川路之前,右手边您会开过一个“易初莲花”超市。
9.Lotus , subsidiary of cp group , is successfully opening more than 70 shopping centers in china and engineering a speed development to further expand sales network
10.Shibei district has formed an east - to - west business belt for retails and 6 urban commercial circles , which have attracted over 10 , 000 retailers like carrefour , wal - mart , lotus , liqun , guomei , meetall , etc
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