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English translation for "杂交亲本"

cross parent

Related Translations:
亲本数:  parental number
杂交植物:  tangelo
杂交配合:  xenogamy
杂交形式:  form of cross
杂交后代:  filial generation
盆栽杂交:  pot crossing
近亲杂交:  close crossingclosed crossing
变种杂交:  intervarieted cross
果实杂交:  fruit crossing
特定杂交:  specific cross
Example Sentences:
1.The simple estimation of the breeding value of fruit parents for hybridization
2.This paper summarized the inheritance and variation of main biological and economic characters in rape progeny from hybridization and distant crossing , inquired into the selective mating of hybrid parent and the selection of hybrid progeny , analyzed the problems which had existed in rape distant crossing breeding , and put forward some ideas for accelerating the stability of characters in distant crossing progeny
3.During wheat and barley bred in winter in sanya , some technological characteristics concerned must be wielded according to the ecological conditions there . 1 ) carefully select materials and avoid planting the materials that can not head in sanya . 2 ) cultivated measure : spread lime before ploughing ; and make furrows during soil preparation . spread funandan in sowing furrows . after every irrigation and heavy rains , surplus water must be drained off immediately and soil must be intertilled in time . it is also a key measure in breeding in winter to prevent and eliminate the plant disease , pest and mice during plant growing period . 3 ) the flowering period of parent for hybridization must be adjusted . 4 ) the criterion for each trait selection to breeding materials should be soften to different degrees
4.Genetic linkage maps of f . chinensis have been constructed using " two - way pseudo - testcross " strategy with aflp markers . parents and fl progeny ( full sib family ) was used as segregating population . together 135 and 118 markers fitted to mendelian segregation ration for paternal and maternal parent was produced from 34 aflp primer combinations
利用aflp分子标记结合拟测交策略,以中国对虾的单对杂交亲本及其f1代为作图群体,应用mapmakerexp / 3 . 0软件,构建了中国对虾雌、雄的中等密度的遗传连锁图谱。
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