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English translation for "杂交品种"

animal or plant that is the offspring of different breeds or varieties

Related Translations:
杂交植物:  tangelo
杂交配合:  xenogamy
杂交形式:  form of cross
杂交后代:  filial generation
盆栽杂交:  pot crossing
近亲杂交:  close crossingclosed crossing
变种杂交:  intervarieted cross
果实杂交:  fruit crossing
特定杂交:  specific cross
杂交酶:  hybrid enzyme
Example Sentences:
1.This kind of pear is the result of crossing two different breeds of pears .
2.It would also be much faster than the years it takes to grow hybrids
3.Comprehensive hybrid variety
4.The remaining 90 % is harvested from trees of the forastero family , with its many hybrids and varieties
5.The optimum nitrogen level was about 150 kg / ha for japonica varieties and 180 kg / ha for indica - japonica cross varieties
6.The amount of nitrogen fertilizer had been steadily increased along with the development of the indica - japonica cross varieties during the last 15 years
7.Therefore , rice farmers grow only high quality varieties which have similar desirable agronomic characters to those of the indica - japonica cross varieties
8.Rice yield reached the maximum at a leaf area index of seven to nine in indica - japonica cross variety , and at a leaf area index of about five in japonica variety , respectively
籼-粳稻杂交品种的叶面积指数为7 ~ 9时水稻产量最高而粳稻品种最佳叶面积指数为5 。
9.The experiment of cultural techniques for attaining high yield contained three factors ( hybrid , planting density and n application rate ) each at two levels , which had eight treatments in total
高产栽培技术试验包括三个因子(杂交品种、种植密度和施氮量) ,每个因子设2个水平,共为8个处理。
10.Traditional techniques of plant breeding involve crossing two plant varieties , each with desirable characteristics usually referred to as traits and selecting the best of these crosses
Similar Words:
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