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English translation for "杂交带"

zone of hybridization

Related Translations:
杂交植物:  tangelo
杂交配合:  xenogamy
杂交形式:  form of cross
杂交后代:  filial generation
盆栽杂交:  pot crossing
近亲杂交:  close crossingclosed crossing
变种杂交:  intervarieted cross
果实杂交:  fruit crossing
特定杂交:  specific cross
杂交酶:  hybrid enzyme
Example Sentences:
1.The analyses showed that rapd was able to differentiate mainly at the species level , while eric is effective at the strain level
2.Hybridization bands were detected by southern blot analysis using lea3 gene probe labeled by digoxigenin the result showed that foreign lea3 gene integrated into strawberry genome
2 。对点杂交为阳性的植株进行southernblot分析,转化植株检测到了杂交带,除预期的1
3.27kd protein bands were detected in transgenic plants by western blot analysis , and the results showed that the foreign lea3 gene could express in transgenic strawberry plants
4.Sds - page showed efficient expression and secretion of the rhfl . the highest yield ( 108 mg / l ) was obtained when expression was induced with 0 . 5 % methanol for 96 hours
5.Except for 1 . 0 kb hybridization band , other different hybridization bands were also detected which demonstrated that lea3 gene integrated into strawberry genome in different loci or copies
6.The genomic dna extracted from three rubber tree strains ( pr107 , rrim600 , gt1 ) was digested with hinckr . the southern blot was made with the same probe as above . the result showed that all the three strains turned up only one brand ( - - 4 . 8kb ) . the three strains had the same inherent background
用橡胶树pr107 、 rrim600 、 gti三个品系的基因组洲a分别经hinan酶切后,进行了southern杂交。结果表明,三个无性系都只出现一条杂交带,位置一’致( 4
7.By using these antibodies , which were raised to immunoreact with total proteins of purified mitochondria from different organs of mung bean seedlings , we find that there were two hybridizable aox bands in mitochondria in mung bean seedlings . their molecular weight was about 35kd and 38kd respectively
将此抗体与来自绿豆幼苗不同器官线粒体的总蛋白分别进行western杂交,可观察到绿豆幼苗线粒体中具有两条清晰的aox杂交带,它们的分子量分别为35kd和38kd 。
8.I and hindlll respectively . after the digested products were run via agarose gel electrophoresis and transferred into nylon membrane , the southern blot was carried out using the cdna of rubber tree etrl as probe . the result of the southern blot showed that a hybridization band ( - 3 . 0kb ) turned up from the ecor i digested product and another band ( - 4 . 8kb ) turned up from the hindi ]
从橡胶树pr107品系的嫩叶提取基因组dna ,用限制性内切酶ecor 、 hinofll分别酶切,琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离并转膜后,用克隆的橡胶树etri基因的cdna片段作探针进行southern杂交分析,结果表明, ecor酶切在约3 okb处有一条杂交带出现, hi 。
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