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English translation for "杂交筛选"

screening by hybridization

Related Translations:
药物筛选法:  drug screening method
杂交植物:  tangelo
杂交配合:  xenogamy
杂交形式:  form of cross
杂交后代:  filial generation
盆栽杂交:  pot crossing
近亲杂交:  close crossingclosed crossing
变种杂交:  intervarieted cross
果实杂交:  fruit crossing
特定杂交:  specific cross
Example Sentences:
1.In this paper , we constructed the genomic dna library of nephila clavipes with the vector supercos 1 cosmid
以dig - oligo2为探针,菌落原位杂交筛选cosmid文库,得到56个阳性重组子。
2.Nor protein partner interacting with pgl29 was detected by yeast two - hybrid screening . thus further work needs to be made to understand the fu
3.In our study , the igii subdomain of trka extracellular domain was fused to pgbkt7 as a bait to screen yeast random peptide library which contains 1 107 independent random peptide clones
我们将trk受体膜外域1911结构域与gal4蛋白融合构建成pgbkt7一ign ,确认无自激活作用后,将其作为诱饵蛋白,洲于酵母双杂交筛选
4.Selected one of the 14 strains - s93 , s93 dna was digested partially with sau3a i and 2 ~ 3kb fragments were collected and inserted into puc 18 , then transformed into dh5 a . filtering the clone with hybridization in situ , a 1 kb frament clone has been cloned
使用sau3ai对基因组dna进行不完全酶切,回收2 3kb片段,与puc18质粒连接转化大肠杆菌,利用地高辛标记探针,使用菌落原位杂交筛选转化子;筛选到包含有约1kb外源片段的转化子。
5.Four c - ch3 , six aromatic carbons , six carbons of mycosamine were the characteristics of candicidin d , one ketal corresponding to mycosamine and four ketons indicated that no hemiketal formed between c - 15 and c - 19 in fr - g08b or candicidin d . however , such hemiketal was usually thought having been formed
用这个探针,对链霉菌fr - 008的基因文库进行杂交筛选,获得了3个阳性克隆,经southern杂交分析,发现它们均含有6 . 4kb共同的阳性片断。
6.Correct clones were selected and plasmid dna was isolated and digested with saci and puvii . a dna fragment of about 2 . 1kb was purified and labeled by dig - 11dutp as probe . at least 40 positive clones were obtained from human genomic library by in situ colony hybridyzation with this probe . among them one clone contains human serum album dna by sequence
以pcr扩增的人血清白蛋白( hsa )基因片段为探针,从人的基因组文库中杂交筛选的阳性克隆中,经测序分析,有一个克隆含有全长hsadna ,用从其它的阳性克隆中选取两种dna片段,即dna修复基因hfen1和一段非编码大片段cit987sk - 384d8 ,与人hsadna一起,进行显微共注射,成功制备了转多基因小鼠。
7.Pit13 , an interactor binding to trpt1 protein , was screened by yeast two - hybrid , and confirmed by pull down and co - ip assays . the association of trpt1 with pit 13 demonstrated that trpt1 should probably participate in other activities besides in pre - trna splicing . more experiments will be required to determine the role of pit 13 protein
0酵母以杂交筛选、加卫工加wn检测及ip实验均证明m卜1 ”且与功能未知的pit13蛋; ”之间存在着相互作用,说明imj基因除了参与trna剪接之外,还可能具有其它方面的功能,有待进一步研究。
8.Positive probe was made from the floral meristem materials cultured for 5 days and 10 days with hormones by rna reverse transcription and labelling with radioactive dctp ; two negative probes from uncultured explants and it cultured for 5 days and 10 days . then , we did calculating signal arrays , sequencing , sequence analysis and alignments on genebank etc . finally 229 different ests were got from the cdna library
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