| 1. | Exploiture of screwthread driller and its application 螺纹桩机的开发与应用 |
| 2. | Application of yhmcad in the zyj static pressure staking machines 系列静压沉桩机中的应用 |
| 3. | Vibratory pile driving and extracting equipment - safety operation rules 振动沉拔桩机安全操作规程 |
| 4. | Hydraulic system design of the zyj900 hydraulic static pile driver 900型液压静力压桩机液压系统设计 |
| 5. | Automatic ram pile driver 自动冲锤打桩机 |
| 6. | His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work 他的心思可能转向股票市场,或他在上班途中对打桩机的驾驶操作人了迷感到新奇不已。 |
| 7. | This kind of pile drivers is light in weight abnd convenient in assembling and transportation , and can be put in operation in a short time 该桩机重量轻、装配及搬运都很方便,并能在短时间内投入施工。 |
| 8. | Ensure all workers involved know the work and hazard involved . ensure all piling machines and rigs are inspected before commencing work 确保据有参与工作者了解他们的工作和其危险性。在开工前,先确保所有的桩机和钻机经过安全检查。 |
| 9. | Fast and accurate alignment with pile location : the pile driver can move along the cross axis and can perform longitudinal and transverse movement when aligning with the pile location 快速准确找准桩位:桩机设有沿十字轴线运行特点,对准桩位时可同时进行纵横移和回转。 |
| 10. | Fast alignment with the pile location : the pile driver can travel along the cross axis and can be aligned with the pile location through longitudinal displacement , transverse displacement and rotation 快速找准桩位:桩机设有沿十字轴线运行特点,主机可同时进行纵横移和回转对准桩位。 |