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English translation for "桩机"

ram machine

Related Translations:
桩排:  row of piles
拉力桩:  tension pile
立标桩:  stake-settingstaking
桩顶:  pile bolckpilebolck
套管桩:  case pilecased pile
桩头:  pile crownpile head=buttpile toepilecrownpilehead
桩冠:  dowel crownpost crown, pivot
短粗桩:  stub pile
尖桩:  picket
马桩:  hitching post
Example Sentences:
1.Exploiture of screwthread driller and its application
2.Application of yhmcad in the zyj static pressure staking machines
3.Vibratory pile driving and extracting equipment - safety operation rules
4.Hydraulic system design of the zyj900 hydraulic static pile driver
5.Automatic ram pile driver
6.His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work
7.This kind of pile drivers is light in weight abnd convenient in assembling and transportation , and can be put in operation in a short time
8.Ensure all workers involved know the work and hazard involved . ensure all piling machines and rigs are inspected before commencing work
9.Fast and accurate alignment with pile location : the pile driver can move along the cross axis and can perform longitudinal and transverse movement when aligning with the pile location
10.Fast alignment with the pile location : the pile driver can travel along the cross axis and can be aligned with the pile location through longitudinal displacement , transverse displacement and rotation
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