English translation for "海麦"
- heim karl
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Haymarket is a specialist publishing company operating in many of the world ' s major markets 海麦克托是一家致力于全球各大市场经营运作的专业出版公司。 | | 2. | Joined by one - time teenage pageant queen josie mcbroom gus ' s ex , the plan goes ahead . . . but it all goes wrong as reverend smalls dies . . . thanks to this trio , with this only being the start of their troubles 实际上,联邦调查局的干探海麦斯(乔恩?波利托饰)已经在镇上潜伏多时,似乎只有向他道出实情,查理的小团伙才有可能摆脱这个大麻烦。 |
- Similar Words:
- "海马趾的" English translation, "海马锥体细胞" English translation, "海马濑人" English translation, "海骂一气" English translation, "海埋" English translation, "海迈" English translation, "海迈德井" English translation, "海迈尔" English translation, "海迈莱" English translation, "海迈莱宁" English translation