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English translation for "烦躁易怒"

anxiety and irritability
excitability and irritability
irritability and excitability
restlessness of the mind and irascibility

Related Translations:
烦躁:  be fidgety; be agitated; irritable; be in a fret; dysphoria 短语和例子感到烦躁 have [get] the fidgets; suffer from the fidgets; 她讲话时, 我们看得出她很烦躁。 as she spoke we could see that she was in a fret
变得烦躁:  get fretful
心情烦躁:  in a flutter
感到烦躁:  have the fidgetssuffer from the fidgets
烦躁的:  fretful
烦躁不安:  1.(烦闷急燥, 心神不定) have [get] the fidgets; set one's nerves on edge 短语和例子某些动物烦躁不安可能是地震临震前的预兆。 agitated activity by certain animals may be a sign of an impending earthquake. 你为什么烦躁不安? what are
头痛烦躁:  headache and irritabilityheadache and slight fever
烦躁的孩子:  a fretful child
身热烦躁:  profuse sweat
心境烦躁不安:  dysphoric mood
Example Sentences:
1.Cold colors are applicable to dysphoria , irascibility , terror and fear as well as mania , epilepsy , etc
2.Feels tired and sleepy . wakes up easily and able to do as told or answers simple questions . the patient is in a state of confusion nevertheless and is easily agitated
Similar Words:
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