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English translation for "照之"


Related Translations:
高照:  takateruthe horse's mouth
照助:  terusuke
照寂:  the shining mystic purity of buddha or the bhūtatathat
增照:  masuteru
希照:  mariteru
照侍:  shoji
松照:  matsuteru
治照:  haruteru
金玉照:  kim ok jokim ok-jo
邦照:  kuniteru
Example Sentences:
1.Fortune knocks once at least at every man ' s door
2.Application and change of license as entrusted by its members and other service item
3.8 although sun rays are not hot themselves , they warm up the object they touch in their way
4.They could only move on . at about three in the morning , the moon shone brightly , its light falling on piles and piles of dead bodies
5.We urge all applicants to apply early . no exceptions will be made - all applicants will receive their visas through the hongkong post courier service . as of august 23 , the u . s . consulate general will not pass back visas to applicants
A4 :我们要求申请人提前辨理,从8月23日后美领处不再处理交回护照之事务,所有的护照将由香港邮政负责送回申请人。
6.Among those who were fortunate enough to experience the blessings of god during that period , some were immediately enlightened and initiated into the quan yin method . others gradually became enlightened and were initiated later . every one of them has chosen to enter his own golden era
7.Article 8 in a county , city , municipality , nationwide or in a municipality directly under central government with more than five licensed trade councils or firms of the same trade established in accordance with corporation act or commercial registration act , a commercial trade council should be organized
第8条在同一县(市) 、直辖市或全国区域内,依公司法或商业登记法取得登记证照之同业公会、行号达五家以上者,应组织该业商业同业公会。
Similar Words:
"照沼" English translation, "照这个方向走" English translation, "照这样下去是行不通的" English translation, "照这样做" English translation, "照正" English translation, "照之辅" English translation, "照之介" English translation, "照之佑" English translation, "照之助" English translation, "照之佐" English translation