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English translation for "煽情主义"


Related Translations:
煽情:  affection-instigatingarouse one's enthusiasm or fervor
煽情服装:  provocative attire
煽情的:  sentimental
用来骗取人同情的煽情的故事:  rang me with a sob story. - in the film sob story
神话主义:  mythicism
单边主义:  unilateralism
军阀主义:  warlordism
侵略主义:  jingo
无为主义:  sound of silence quietism
爬行主义:  crawlism
Example Sentences:
1.The main reason for this trend are as follows : first , some social ideological trends such as post - modernism and humanism are spring up in china ; second , china ' s economical system has transformed from planned to market - orientated economy ; third , a guide line for propaganda " tree familiarity " has been put forward by cpc which can greatly promote the trend of popularization . in the practice , there are some problems coming along with popularization should be noticed , such as dissolution of news value , abusing of incitement , overstepping of media ' s authority , and so on
Similar Words:
"煽起骚动" English translation, "煽起骚动, 火上加油" English translation, "煽情" English translation, "煽情的" English translation, "煽情服装" English translation, "煽色唇膏" English translation, "煽她" English translation, "煽她,这个法国佬" English translation, "煽状聚伞花序" English translation, "衫" English translation