English translation for "瓦拉哈"
- varaha
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The battle took a thousand years , but varaha won 战役打了一千年,瓦拉哈取胜。 | | 2. | Indian astronomers like aryabhatta and varahamihira who lived between 476 and 587 a . d . made close approaches to the concept of heliocentrism 印度天文学家,像活在公元476年和公元587年之间的阿雅巴塔和瓦拉哈米希拉,使得接近日心说的观念。 | | 3. | About a hundred years before brahmagupta , another astronomer , varahamihira had claimed for the first time perhaps that there should be a force which might be keeping bodies stuck to the earth , and also keeping heavenly bodies in their determined places 大约早于婆罗门加塔一百年,另一位天文学家瓦拉哈米希拉首次声称很可能有一种力量使得物体掉到地面,也使得天体在它们的固定位置上。 |
- Similar Words:
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