English translation for "生为女人"
- i being born a woman
Related Translations:
女人领地: in the land of womeninthelandofwomenpmpavc 这些女人: för att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | We have been trained for many lifetimes in order to get a woman s body , in order to be feminine , and to have all these loving , delicate qualities of a human being 我们要经历很多辈子的训练,才可以生为女人,才能有所有这些人类的爱心及细致的品质。 | | 2. | It takes a long time of practicing to have a woman s body . that s why men don t understand why women are sometimes so delicate and care about so many things . they don t care , and they don t understand 灵魂要经历很久时间的练习,才可以生为女人,所以男人不了解为什么有时候女人那么细腻可以关心到那么多的事情,而他们则不关心不了解,有时候他们也了解。 | | 3. | It was the same insularity of mind that made the ancient jew thank god he was not born a woman , and sent the modern missionary god - substituting to the ends of the earth ; and it made ruth desire to shape this man from other crannies of life into the likeness of the men who lived in her particular cranny of life 正是同样的偏狭心理使古代的犹太人因为自己未曾生为女人而感谢上帝使现代的教士到天涯海角去做上帝的代有人使露丝要求把这个从生活另一角落来的人物接她自己那特定的生活角落里的人的样子加以塑造。 | | 4. | There is no need to say that women are better than men or men are better than women . whenever you are born in a body of a man , you are like this and whenever you are born into a body of a woman , then you become like that . you will take turns to exercise the power of the intellect or the power of the muscle 我们在不同的辈子生为男人或女人,并非有些人永远做女人,而另一些人永远做男人,并不是这样,所以我们不需要说女人优于男人或男人优于女人,而是当你生为男人身,你就有这种特质,生为女人身,就会有那种特质,我们在不同的辈子轮流练习运用智力或体力。 |
- Similar Words:
- "生外皮" English translation, "生外皮的" English translation, "生王部" English translation, "生威德" English translation, "生威尼龙丝袜厂有限公司" English translation, "生为挑战" English translation, "生为英雄,死作鬼雄" English translation, "生为英雄死作鬼雄" English translation, "生尾" English translation, "生味的" English translation