English translation for "甲醛法"
- fertilizersdetermination of ammoniacal nitrogen content formaldehyde methodod
Related Translations:
甲醛水污染: formaldehyde water pollution 甲醛鞣: formaldehyde tanning 标记甲醛: labelled formaldehyde 甲醛胶乳: hydrazine-formaldehyde latex 甲醛肠线: formaldehyde catgut 甲醛释放量: content of released formaldehyde
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Urea - formol titration for determination of large amount of nitrate 甲醛法测定硝酸根 | | 2. | Fertilizers - determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content - formaldehyde method 肥料中氨态氮含量的测定甲醛法 | | 3. | Modification of formaldehyde assay for the detection of soy sauce koji protease activity 改良甲醛法测定酱油成曲的蛋白酶活力 | | 4. | Determination of total amino acids in 21 processed animal medicines by the formalin method 21种动物药饮片中总氨基酸的甲醛法测定 | | 5. | The merits and shortcomings are analyzed of the paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde method and the diacetyl monoxime method in their application to the determination of trace urea in the urea hydrolytic system 摘要分析了对二甲氨基苯甲醛法和二乙酰单肟法在尿素水解系统微量尿素分析中应用的优缺点。 | | 6. | A rapid , simple method has been developed for determination of ammonium perchlorite by using formaldehyde . this experiment proved that this method saved measuring time , raised speed and efficiency 摘要实验证明甲醛法测定铵盐含量,只要准确测定出较正因子对结果加以校正,是能够直接使用未经蒸馏去除甲醇的甲醛溶液而测定结果不存在显著差异,本方法简单、快速。 |
- Similar Words:
- "甲醛滴定" English translation, "甲醛滴定法" English translation, "甲醛碘胺醋胺" English translation, "甲醛淀粉" English translation, "甲醛对甲苯缩合物" English translation, "甲醛反应" English translation, "甲醛防腐剂" English translation, "甲醛肥皂溶液" English translation, "甲醛废水" English translation, "甲醛分解" English translation