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English translation for "电子成像"

electron image

Related Translations:
空间成像:  aerial imagespace imaging
平行成像:  parallel imaging
医学成像:  medical imaging
磁共振成像:  magnetic resonance imaging,mrinmr imagingnuclear magnetic resonance
超声波成像:  ultrasonic imaging
线成像:  line imaging
mr成像:  mr imaging
成像仪:  formatter
成像传感器:  imaging se orimaging sensor
液晶成像:  liquid crystal imaging
Example Sentences:
1.Electronic imaging process of paper documents and microfilmed documents
2.Electronic imaging - vocabulary
3.Electronic imaging - part 2 : verification of the informations stored on cd media
电子成像.第2部分: cd介质上存储的信息的鉴定
4.Micrographics - test charts for digitizing image - description and use in electronic imagery
5.Electronic imaging - test target for the black - and - white scanning of office documents - characteristics
6.Electronic imaging - test target for the black - and - white scanning of office documents - method of use
7.Methods of measurement for waveguides - part 3 : variation of group delay iec 61580 - 3 : 1997 ; german version en 61580 - 3 : 1997
8.Methods of measurement for waveguides - part 2 : level of intermodulation products iec 61580 - 2 : 1996 ; german version en 61580 - 2 : 1996
9.Electronic imaging - media error monitoring and reporting techniques for verification of stored data on optical digital data disks
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